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All About Burials

Traditional. Profound. Healing. Design a permanent resting place for your loved one.

Burials are a traditional memorial choice that give families a meaningful physical symbol to mark a loved one’s resting place. At Canale Funeral Directors we offer a broad range of burial options, and we invite you to read about all that’s possible. We’re here to help you design a service and a physical memorial that will be a beautiful place to visit, forevermore.

A Consistent Place of Healing

A Consistent Place of Healing

In today’s society, time demands often restrict or limit adequate time for individuals to grieve their losses. The funeral and burial of a loved one often takes place in a matter of days while the emotional elements of a loss sometimes last a lifetime. A place of remembrance can be a tremendous comfort to family and friends for years to come.

We have found that regardless of the means of burial such as traditional burial or cremation burial, having a “place of remembrance” can provide a setting for loved ones to cope with the loss of a loved one. While it is proper to follow the desires of loved ones which sometimes do not involve a cemetery, a family can benefit from having a specific place of remembrance dedicated to that individual.

Having a permanent place of remembrance – whether it is in a cemetery, mausoleum, or cremation garden – or even on a Memorial Wall, all serve as a focal point and provide a special place on occasions ordinarily recognized in our society. Whether it is a birthday, anniversary, holiday or a special service of remembrance a place of permanence can be a focal point for many future important occasions.

A permanent place as discussed can also be an avenue of connecting to a family's past. Many families become interested in their genealogical roots and personal family lineage. Often times these permanent memorials serve as the gate way to connecting these relationships from the past. Visiting the resting place of grandparents or great-grandparents can provide children with an anchor to their personal history and help educate. It is a connection to the past, to a love shared. It is a way of honoring a life lived, a relationship shared, and educating generations to come.

Graveside Funeral Services

Graveside Funeral Services

Express the life of your loved one and create a place for family and friends to gather.

We can help you design a meaningful and healing service to take place at the graveside. These services can take place outdoors or even inside a mausoleum. We’ll guide you through the process of personalizing both the service and the site in multiple ways. Working with your Funeral Director, you can select readings, speakers and create spiritual moments. You can include military honors, masonic rites and religious leadership. When it comes to memorialization, we offer many options. Your selection may include a flat memorial, upright monument, ledger, mausoleum plate, memorial benches or private estates. Please reach us any time to begin the conversation. We’re here to share our expertise, with professionalism and compassion.

Committal Services

Committal Services

A graveside service takes place after a funeral and can be a profound healing experience.

Funerals often take place at the mortuary chapel or at your place of religious worship. In that case, an internment and committal service can follow at the graveside. These are important gatherings to commemorate a life and mark the end of physical closeness. Family and friends gather to commit a loved one to the earth and say final farewells together. A committal service is symbolic and a helpful step in healing.

Immediate Burials

Immediate Burials

Together with your funeral professional, we can guide you through all of the arrangements.

Burials are often an unexpected need, and we can handle every detail should this option make sense for you and your family. Please call us any time to discuss your needs. Our mission is to ease your burden.

Find The Option For You

A funeral should be personalized to your loved one. If you have questions about your burial options, let us help. Contact us to select the ideal resting place.

Types of Burial Memorials

Design a site to express a life and gratify the living.

A permanent resting place is something to consider carefully. Ask yourself about the kind of final resting place to best commemorate the life lost and provide a fitting place for family and friends to gather for services and future reflection.